

Give A Testimony

Posted by Quentin Wallace on

In the book Draw the Circle, Mark Batterson highlights the importance of having a testimony of the goodness of God and what has been done for you through God.

Hardly a day goes by that I don’t hear a story that makes we want to cry or give God a round of applause,” he writes.

This month, as Christ followers, we observe, Resurrection Sunday or Easter, which is  a testimony of a few women who went sadly to continue a burial rite but found an empty tomb and Jesus gone.  Later Jesus revealed himself to them and the rest of the disciples. It was a fact that he had arisen from the dead. 

How did a few followers of Jesus and his teachings in the first century evolve into a faith observed by millions across the globe in the 21st century?

It was due to the many testimonies of the people who had experienced the power of God in their lives, and God’s ability to use ordinary people to do extraordinary things by praying, preaching, and teaching that provided healing of persons and communities. 

During this season, I invite you to share a personal testimony of how God has given you longevity, or reasonably good health, or the ability to pay off a mortgage, or to have a loving family or faithful friends.  Never underestimate the power of your testimony to touch and to possibly transform the life or lives of another.

Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.”  Acts 2:41


