
Funeral Policy

Covenant church values its members and we consider it an honor to host home going celebrations for members. Therefore, it is the expectation that the Senior Pastor officiate all funerals or memorial services held in the Covenant church, unless the Senior Pastor designates another current Covenant minister to do so in his or her absence. 

  • Other Ministers may assist at the appointed pastor's discretion.
  • If Bulletins will be used, the church office will produce them if material is received timely.
  • Bulletins will NOT be printed if the service is held elsewhere.
  • There is no rental fee for the sanctuary for current church members
  • Other fees do apply please contact the church office. 
  • Should family members require the use of the fellowship hall there is a fee for that. However, we are not using the kitchen in Bethany Hall during this time of Covid but there is a sink available. 

*Until further notice the hospitality team is not operating.